The Texas OnCourse Educator Blog

How to Help Students Connect Endorsements and Careers

Written by Communications Coordinator Rose Frezza | Jul 28, 2021 8:44:12 PM

Helping Texas middle school students prepare to choose an endorsement selection before they enter high school is just one step in career exploration.

Sometimes, if a student knows what they want to “be” when they grow up or already has a strong inclination toward a certain field of study, the path to an endorsement is clear. The chart below represents the relationship between career pathways, career clusters, and endorsements. It uses the related career possibilities for a student who is interested in the public service endorsement as an example:

However, some students are unsure about what careers they are interested in. How can Texas educators help students discover which career cluster is best for them on the path to college and career readiness? The resource below contains ten sets of questions relating to each of the 16 national career clusters that students can answer. Have students work in groups, or individually, to answer the questions.

If a student answers ‘yes’ to five or more questions in a single career cluster, that cluster may be the one for them! Give them time in class to explore these options. For more great classroom ideas, lessons, and resources about career clusters, career pathways, and endorsements, download our middle school curriculum guide!