Leveraging the Texas OnCourse College and Career Readiness Curriculum

Posted by Jared Garza - Network Marketing Coordinator on Mar 18, 2025 9:13:01 AM

Digital Learning Opportunities for Educators

Hello, educators! We had an amazing session on March 11 showcasing updates and resources for the Texas OnCourse College and Career Readiness Curriculum. Our expert guest speakers from Texas OnCourse and Tom C. Clark High School shared lesson plan structures, teaching strategies, and online student modules to support your students in their career exploration process. Here’s a brief recap of our session:   

Introduction to the College and Career Readiness Curriculum:

Jamie Bell, Program Specialist for Middle School at Texas OnCourse joined our session to discuss updates made to the College and Career Readiness Curriculum including a live demo of the curriculum showcasing lesson plans, career readiness TEKS, and procedures for student activities. Bell also presented student-facing modules that can help introduce college and career exploration topics.  

Guest Speaker: Yvonne Martinez of Tom C. Clark High School: 

Yvonne Martinez, College Career and Military Readiness Advisor of Tom C. Clark High School in San Antonio, Texas, joined us for our session and shared beneficial resources such as RaiseMe for scholarships and Volunteer Match for community service hours. She also presented ways to share the Texas OnCourse College and Career Readiness Curriculum with your students and families. 

MiddleGalaxy and the My Texas Future Counselor and Advisor Toolkits:

MiddleGalaxy is an educational space-themed game designed to introduce middle schoolers to career exploration opportunities through unique gameplay that showcases the skills and abilities of different occupations. Get to know MiddleGalaxy features such as Career Planning and My Texas Future features such as Career Interests Quiz in the My Texas Future Counselor and Advisor Toolkits.   

Professional Learning Series: 

If you missed the March session, you can view a recording of Leveraging the Texas OnCourse College and Career Readiness Curriculum. Our April session on the Future of the Texas OnCourse Academy has been postponed until the 2025-2026 school year, but we have an additional session on May 13 at 10 a.m. (CDT) where we will cover how to Build a College and Career Readiness Culture across your campus and district. We hope to see you there!  

Topics: Webinar, College Planning, Educators, High School, Scholarships, College and Career Readiness Resources, Curriculum Resources